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The Redefinitions Creative Technique involves the redefining of the listed elements of a creative section of work to produce new creative possibilities.

ball bullet How does 'Redefinitions' Work?

An outline of the section of creative work is first established by following the standard creative process of describing Specific Ideas.

Elements of this creative outline are now selected and these elements are re-conceived, reimagined, rethought in order to provide General Creative Ideas with the aim of promoting a greater depth of creativity.

A Dictionary, Online Thesaurus or Word Association Program is a of assistance with the Redefinitions Creative Technique.

ball bullet Illustration: Redefinitions

The following is an example of the Redefinitions Technique using a list of multiple redefinitions of the term A Tailor:

A Tailor is:

  • A person working in Fashion
  • A cutter of cloth.
  • A designer
  • An originator
  • An innovator
  • A business person
  • An aspiration
  • A sense of purpose

Each of these redefinitions of A Tailor now provides the starting point for General Creative Ideas that could be applied to a written passage in a creative work.


The following is an example of passage from The Tailor that was facilitated using the above Redefinitions Creative Technique:

As Anjali grew, her desire for her own style of tailoring grew with her.  She wanted to fully-fashion garments, to perform the art of the couturier from the opening design to the final stitch.  This was the cut of her ambition.  It was a pleat of imagination and determination that ran right through her.